Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A Hideous New Contest (plus a toilet update)

The "Kill My Toilet" contest requires nice weather for comfortable backyard porcelain smashing, so the contest was kind of de-railed by the cold and then the snow. To make up for this poor planning on my part, I'm launching another contest that'll carry us a little closer to spring so I can announce the toilet-smashing winner then (keep entering the toilet contest by adding a comment to that post).

Here's the new contest: Send me a picture of you making the most horrible and/or amusing face possible (my kids are demonstrating in the pics above). The winner will get a unique and extra-cheesy prize picked specifically for them. If you don't have access to a digital camera, send me a film pic or pop over to my house and I'll take your picture with my camera. If you are funny-face challenged take a pic of a friend or family member and send it in. I'll post all the pics I get sent. Just email your faces to me at

Let the contortions begin!


Rob Scott said...

Thanks for dropping in on this site and leaving a kind note.

Anonymous said...

Yo Rev,

you totally have my permission (and request) to add my likeness to the contest - the one with sprouts coming out of my head - unless you have a better one...