Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I've been number-watching as the views of the most-played episode of Bridge Talk approaches 2000. But It's been awhile since I checked in on poor old Orvil.

So you can imagine my suprise when I checked the YouTube account I keep him locked up in and found that his halloween clip from last year is now approaching 10,000 views! Being a shameless cross-fertilizer, I changed the text that goes with the clip to mention the site.

Uh, I suppose I should write something Orvilesque here. ... "Yo ugly Americans. Prepare to gum-gnash yo' pumpkin pie all you want; But come yankie-thanky day, I'll be eating pilgrim-pie. (How do you cook a pilgrim, anyway?)"

Here's the clip:


stacey said...

Orvil, you're my hero!

Nicole MacIver Okiring said...

I miss Orvil...

Rob Scott said...

It's 10:15 on Halloween night, so I think Orvil's rise is almost over. He's at 19,553 views right now.