Friday, September 14, 2007


Emily and Kaylee started pre-school this week. French emersion pre-school to be exact. They get quite flustered when I call it "play school" by mistake. This is serious business! (Mostly involving playing).

I was taken aback by how much their afternoon dragged some long-lost, difficult childhood memories out of me. It's been both stretching and healing to see them respond so positively this week.

On their first day they each went over to a young guy who was shyly clutching his mother and introduced themselves and smiled at him. They're a little shy themselves, so it was a little bit of effort for them to go up to him. Of course both Stacey and I were brimming with pride.


Then they smacked the kid down, stood on him and yelled out "who's next?!"

1 comment:

Nicole MacIver Okiring said...

OMG! I LOVE that first picture of E&K hugging eachother! Precious!