Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Blog Slack

I may soon be dead due to burrying myself under too many sedimentary layers of slacking:

I logged into my blog here in an attempt to escape for a momenr from some Bridge Talk frustration involving my 8 year old, first generation DVcam. So now that I'm here, I'm officially slacking off from work. And what did I discover? Five posts that I've got saved in drafts but have slacked off from completing and posting! And now I'm writing this which is layer #3 of slackery (and actually could be layer #6 of slackery if viewed as follows):

- Layer 1: Caring for my children.

Slack from this (because they're currently at their grandma's) to:
- Layer 2: "Real" jobs that don't involve doing all the fun, weird stuff I get to do at my job, or the fun weird stuff I get to do as a partial-stay-at-home-dad.

Slack from this to:
- Layer 3: The personal investment/real estate interests I'm involved in that help me to keep my family afloat given the fiscal realities of layer 4 below.

Slack from this to:
- Layer 4: King's Bridge "work."

Slack from this to:
- Layer 5: My personal blog.

Slack from this to:
- Layer 6: This post which is an avoidance of completing the five personal posts that are waiting in the wings.

Someone please send an archeologist or paleontologist to dig me out (or put a ouji-phone call in to Satan to start pushing from below, cuz I'm so deep down that there must only be a few layers of soil left between me and hell).

Ooo ... phone's ringing .... back up to layer 4.